Behind each fund at Coastal Community Foundation is a story about individuals and families who are making a difference. Starting your own donor advised fund is far less expensive than a private family foundation.
How to Start Your Donor Advised Fund
- Make a tax-deductible donation to establish your fund. Donate cash, stocks or personal property. The minimum is $5,000
- You can grow your donation tax-free in your DAF. You can decide to have the funds invested or in a money-market fund.
- Support the nonprofits or educational institutions you like over time. You can make grants to any qualified charitable organization or educational institution.
Watch this short video about donor advised funds:
Five Reasons People Establish a Donor Advised Fund at CCF
One – Foundation staff provide highly personalized services tailored to your charitable interests.
Two – You have the flexibility to invest in causes you care about most over the years. You can recommend grants to any qualified nonprofits or universities
Three – Donors can name successor advisors. Your children or grandchildren can continue your family legacy of giving.
Four – Families can establish lasting legacies by creating permanent charitable funds in their names.
Five – We are a local organization with a 34 year history in the community.
Watch this 3 minute video about donor advised funds which highlights some of the Foundation’s current donors and their grantmaking.
Types of Gifts
Cash – a gift of cash may be made by check or you can donate online
Stock – When donating appreciated securities, you bypass capital gains tax and may deduct the fair market value of your gift. Your gift of stock may allow you to make a bigger philanthropic impact to areas you care about the most.donate appreciated securities
Real Estate
A gift of real estate to the Foundation is an excellent way to establish a charitable fund or add to an existing one. There are a number of advantages when you donate a property today:
1 – You avoid all capital gains taxes you might incur if the property was sold by you.
2 – You receive an immediate charitable deduction equal to the fair market value of the donated property.
3 – You may avoid potential future estate taxes on the gifted property.
Please contact Lane Macy Kiefaber at the Foundation at (760) 942-9245 or email